First author publications:

Hints of a disrupted binary dwarf galaxy in the Sagittarius stream (MNRAS, 2024)

Disrupted dwarf binary merger as the possible origin of NGC 2419 and Sagittarius stream substructure (MNRAS:L, 2024)

Stellar halo striations from assumptions of axisymmetry (MNRAS, 2023)

Accelerated phase mixing in the stellar halo due to a rotating bar (MNRAS:L, 2023)

The phase space chevrons of a GSE-like merger as a dark matter subhalo detector (MNRAS, 2022)

Fuzzy dark matter soliton cores around supermassive black holes (MNRAS, 2020)

Other publications:

Stellar halo substructure generated by bar resonances (MNRAS, 2023)

Energy wrinkles and phase-space folds of the last major merger (MNRAS, 2022)

Robustness of slow contraction to cosmic initial conditions (JCAP, 2020)